1. The Pilot Episode
Molly Stage's coming of age
plays out in a house crammed with odd knick-knacks and even odder people.
2. The "Hair" Episode
Mary and Jerry are planning
to appear in a local theater production, "Hair". Imagine how ashame Molly must feel.
3. The Cheerleader Episode
Molly decides to join the cheerleaders
to be closer to Nick, but she is also on the Chess Club, she can't be in two places at the same time and she has to choose
between Cheerleading or Chess.
4. The Halloween Episode
Molly is depressed because she lost Nick and she tries to look for help in her family members, but everyone is busy, Jerry is decorating
the house, Mary tries to save money on candy by making her own taffy and Rick is worried about losing his hair. Who will help
her to go through such a milestone?
5. The Birthday Episode
Is Molly's 16th birthday and
her family decides to take her to a restaurant. Unluckily, some cool guys are also in that same restaurant and as everyone
knows her family acts in their peculiar and weird way.
6. The Magic Cd Episode
Molly found a Cd at school,
this Cd has an excelent mix of love songs and she wants to find out who mix it. Meanwhile, Mary is angry with Jerry and Grandma
Harriet meets a mime and develops interest in the art.
: Ellen Albertini Dow (Grandma Harriet) is a mime.
7. The Mini-Jerry Episode
Jerry sets Molly up with a
boy name Jerry, he acts just like Jerry Stage, but Molly has her heart set on a new student from England. Grandma Harriet
asks Grant to teach her to play the guitar and Rick has money problems.
8. The Exchange-Student Episode
Jerry decides to accept an exchange student from Brazil after learning that the girl plays soccer.
Molly is angry because she can't go on a date with Nick because it's scheduled for the same night as Cindy and Mindy's piano
9. The Lunch Lady Episode
Mary is feeling sad, depressed
and blue, Molly suggests her to get a job. Mary follows her advice and gets a job, but what Molly didn't knew was that her
mother got the job as a lunch lady on her school.
10. The Romeo & Juliet Episode
Molly wants to buy a pair of
boots, since she has no money she takes a part-time job at her dad's office. On Jerry's office she meets the boy of her dreams,
Lance, but then discovers that he is a Montague, son of Jerry's rival. Rick and Grant fight over a Salesgirl.
11. The Snow Day Episode
Grant and Molly clean the attic
during a day off from school and accidentally spill paint on Mary's wedding dress. Rick has to baby-sit Cindy and Mindy and
is forced to participate in their tea party. Grandma makes the family with snow.
12. The Dutch Heritage Episode
Molly has a chance to compete
for a Dutch heritage scholarship, but what she didn't knew was that her family isn't Dutch at all. Grant is having trouble
to sleep because he's having romantic dreams with Mia.
13. The Fever Episode
Jerry wants to build a boat
with everyones help, but then is Rick who has the whole responsability of building it. Molly is dating an English guy.
What would the English guy do if he sees the boat?
14. The Wedding and a Funeral Episode
Grandma Harriet asks the family
to make a funeral for her. She wants Tillie, her niece, to come to the funeral, but Tillie and Mary have a big problem because
Mary won't forgive what Tillie did to her 22 years ago.
15. The Video Episode
Molly decides to run for the
student-body president. She asks Grant if he could make a music video for her to announce her candidacy. Unfortunately, when
everyone at school watch the video they think that it is Grant's candidacy announcement. He becomes popular and Molly gets
mad at him. Now, the question is, who will win?
16. The Baby Episode
A baby is left on the Stage's
front door, a note says that it is Rick's baby. Rick tries to find out who could the mother be, while Molly baby-sits the
baby. Cindy and Mindy begin to feel jealous and try to act as cute as possible. Mary and Jerry feel like having another child.
There's another problem, the baby can't see Grant, as soon as she sees him she begins to cry.
17. The Crazy-Girl Episode
Molly discovers that there's
another crazy family in town, the Finns. Cookie Finn is her soccer teammate. Cookie's little brother name is Mine. The Finns
believe that "if you don't feel like it, you don't have to do it," a philosophy that includes allowing the kids to choose
their own names.
18. The Lab Partner Episode
Molly's new lab partner in
chemistry class is Nick's current girlfriend, Lauren. After Nick dumps Lauren, Molly made friends with her because Molly
helps her. Grandpa takes Grant and Rick fishing and the twins want to get the neighboor's "Gallstones". Jerry and Mary decide
to celebrate their anniversary on a swing-club, but then they discover that it wasn't a dance group but a spouse-swapping
place. While her parents are out Molly makes a party to please Lauren.
19. The Rick's in Love Episode
Finally Rick's in love with
a girl, Olivia Castle, he wants to change and he asks Molly to help him. Grant and her band are practicing at the house's
garage and Jerry wants to be part of the band. Meanwhile Mary becomes obssesed with documenting Grandma's life and Grandma
Harriet begins to say weird stories about knowing Pablo Picasso. Molly transforms Rick into "the perfect man" but the girl
dumps him, because she likes "bad boys".
20. The Quahog Festival Episode
Mary enters Molly into the
town's yearly Quahog Festival Pageant, but Molly doesn't want to participate in until she hears someone insult Mary about
her involvement in a previous competition. Jerry recruits Grant to help him build a float for the festival's parade. Grandma
trains Rick into how to eat a lot of clams. Cindy and Mindy made a clamonade, that ends up as a clampagne, for a competition.
21. The Prom Episode (1)
Cindy and Mindy discover a
train railroad and the twins, Jerry, Mary and Grandma decide to dress-up in costumes to give tour to people, because
their house is now considered an historical place. Rick discovers that he is the real owner of the Stage's home and he inadvertently
loses the property in a pocker game. Molly discovers that Ben is the mixboy and she considers asking him to the prom.
The problem is that the only way to get the house back is if Molly accepts to go with the gangster's, Tony DiRico, nerdy-look
son, Forrest.
22. The Prom Episode (2)
Molly agrees to go with Forrest DiRico to the Prom and Mia and Grant go to the Prom together.
Rick meets a girl and invites her to the Prom, just when he is ready the twins played a trick on him. Mary and Jerry agree
to be the Prom "Chaperones". Molly wants to be with Ben, but she has to be with Forrest. What would she do about it?